If you have your own web hosting server, virtual or dedicated, you can start your own web hosting reseller business and to earn good money in a market that is maintaining growth every year. With the growing demand for Internet sites, you'll need only 3 things to start - a server; a billing application, that is the connection between your web store and the hosting space; and an account with a billing processor, which will enable you to accept web payments. Since there are ready-made reseller applications out there, the usage of your own server provides you with better control over the software environment. The ability to set up server-side software, for example, provides you with a benefit over rivals and means even more happy customers. When you use a standard reseller program, the accounts are generated on a shared server, therefore no software can be installed and, as a result, some sites may not function efficiently. Running your own reseller company will give you the opportunity to generate income, while you can still use the server for hosting your individual sites as well.