A password-protected directory is a folder that can't be accessed unless the right login credentials are offered. This can be an entire Internet site or simply a single page which is located in a subfolder. If you try to open this kind of a directory, you will see a web browser pop-up where you must type in a username as well as a password. In case you type the correct ones, you will be able to continue exploring the content without having to do anything else. If the login credentials aren't correct, however, you'll see a note that you aren't permitted to see the content. If this feature is active, you will not be able to open a file even though you may have a direct link. The option is quite useful if you wish to limit the access to some content or if you are developing an Internet site and you don't want visitors to be able to access it before it's ready.

Password Protected Directories in Shared Hosting

If you use any of our shared hosting plans, you can set up password-protected areas with ease even if you have no experience with this kind of matters. We've incorporated an extremely easy-to-use point-and-click tool in the Hepsia Control Panel, supplied with all accounts, so you will be able to protect any folder within just seconds. You will only have to pick a domain or a subdomain and the particular folder which should be secured (the main one or a subfolder), and then to type the desired username and password that'll be used to access the folder in question later on. Any secured folder shall have padlock icon inside the File Manager section, so you will be able to see instantly what content is protected and what's not. If needed, you may create several different sets of login credentials for the same folder.

Password Protected Directories in Semi-dedicated Servers

You'll be able to create password protection for any content which you have in your semi-dedicated server account. We have added an easy-to-use tool to the Hepsia hosting Control Panel through which you shall be able to enable the function with a few mouse clicks and with no problems, even if you are not very tech-savvy. You will only have to pick the hostname (domain or subdomain), the particular folder which must be secured (the main folder or a subfolder) and the login name and password. The protection will take effect instantly, so if you try to open the password-protected URL within your web browser, you'll have to type in the newly created login credentials before you proceed. You'll also be able to give different usernames for the same folder to a number of people, so you'll not have to share the same login credentials with anyone. Any password-protected folder shall have a compact padlock icon inside the File Manager section, so you shall be able to recognize such folders with ease.